Monday, December 21, 2009


"It used to be quite a chore to get my daughters, Katrina, seven, and Valerie, three, to try on hand-me-downs and the prior year's clothing whenever a new season rolled around.  That was until I created The Clothes STore Game.  For each girl, I spread out a categorized selection of clothes: pants, pajamas, dresses, and the like.  The girls come "shopping" and select items to try on int eh dressing room (my closet).  When they've tried on enough for that day, they bring their purchases to the cashier (me) to be tallied.  My daughters each pay with real money, givin to them just for this purpose, and get to take the clothes back to their rooms in a shopping bag.  Depending on how many outfits there are to be tried on, we play the game one or two more times and always have fun."

Theresa Medoff
Wilmington, Delaware

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